In the fall of 2014, the nation's workforce system received a significant update with the new, bi-partisan Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). WIOA replaces the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), which was previously signed into law in 1998. Under the previous law, One-Stop Career Centers were established in all states. These career centers encouraged the utilization of multiple organizations, or “partners”, operating out of each career center to help maximize the available resources for job seekers and employers. The act also provided educational grants/scholarships for low-income Adults, Dislocated Workers, and Youth.
Through the new WIOA, most of the strengths from WIA are retained, including local Workforce Investment Boards (also known as Workforce Development Boards) that provide oversight to each region's One-Stop Career Center network (in Kentucky, these centers are called Career Centers). There are many more changes in WIOA,including the streamlining of career services for Dislocated Workers and expanded services for younger job seekers. However, one of the most significant additions with WIOA is the focus on services to businesses. WIOA places a much stronger emphasis on meeting employer needs and will include performance indicators surrounding that goal. Nationally, this focus will support a business-first approach to workforce development.
Workforce Investment Boards are charged with carrying out employment and training activities under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. The Bluegrass Workforce Innovation Board is one of ten workforce development boards within the state of Kentucky. Together the state's workforce development boards work together through the Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board to develop and implement statewide workforce strategies, and build a stronger workforce for Wisconsin to meet the needs of growing businesses.In 2015, the name of the Bluegrass Workforce Investment Board to the Bluegrass Workforce Innovation Board (BGWIB) to reflect the current Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The Workforce Development Board is certified by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky in agreement with the Bluegrass Local Workforce Area's Governing Board of Local Elected Officials to continue as the designated Workforce Board for the Bluegrass Local Workforce Development Area.
Local Area Service Delivery Provider. As authorized in WIOA Section 107(g)(2), a LWDB may provide career services described in WIOA Section 134(c)(2) through a one-stop delivery system or be designated or certified as a one-stop operator only with the agreement of the CLEO and the Governor. See WIOA Policy regarding LWDB Member Nomination Guidelines, OET Confirmation Process and Board Certification by the (effective 7/1/2015) for conditions to obtain the Governor’s consent including a competitive procurement.
In cases where the LWDB does not seek to provide career services, WIOA Section 121(d)(2) states that to be eligible to receive funds under this subtitle to operate a one-stop center, an entity (which may be a consortium of entities) shall be designated or certified as a one-stop operator through a competitive process. This process shall be outlined in the Partnership Agreement between the LEOs and the LWDB.