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The BGWIB has two standing committees that meet quarterly. In addition, the BGWIB will identify taskforces, which convene on an as needed basis. 

If you are a community member with expertise in an area covered by one of these committees and would like to participate, please contact us.

  • Standing Committee

    The Executive Committee is comprised of the Board Officers and the Chairpersons of any Standing Committees. The Executive Committee Officers are elected to their position by vote of the full board. The Executive Committee of the Board are authorized to: A) advise BGWIB support staff; B) plan meetings, retreats, and agendas; C) prepare, review, approve the budget and finance reports; D) vet ideas for the full BGWIB discussion or vote; E) Vote on appropriate action needed to carry out BGWIB functions.

  • Standing Committee

    The Finance Committee shall advise and assist in the oversight of budget development and expenditures of WIOA funds. The Finance Committee chair and majority of its members must be BGWIB members. The budget and the budget modifications shall be submitted to the Finance Committee for approval, but the full board or Executive Committee shall make adoption of the budget. The Finance Committee must meet a minimum of two times per Program Year. The Treasurer shall chair the Finance Committee.

  • Taskforce

    The One-Stop Taskforce provides information and assists with operational issues relating to the one-stop delivery system in the local area and provide such other services that may be required by WIOA and its implementing regulations. As with any BGWIB task force, the group will only convene when a specific need is established by the board.  If the project is determined to be long term, then a full standing committee may be formed. 

  • Taskforce

    The Strategic Planning Taskforce was reconstituted from the Strategic Planning Committee by motion of the Executive Committee on 03/16/18.  Strategic planning involves looking at workforce and workforce services as a complete entity and is concerned with its long-term development.  This involves looking at what the Bluegrass Workforce Innovation Board has been tasked to do, where it is now, determining where it needs to be, and mapping how to get there.  The task force reviews the evolving needs of the Bluegrass Area, focusing on establishing a Memorandum of Understanding, Infrastructe Funding Agreement, and Strategic Plan for the Bluegrass. This group completed it charge in Febuary of 2021.

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